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Unit: Inspecting and testing subfloors

LMFFL2004A: Moisture test timber and concrete floors
LMFFL3101A: Inspect sub-floors

Assessment requirements

Assessment requirements

This learning unit supports two competencies from the Certificate III in Flooring Technology (LMF31208). Click on the links below to see the original units of competency.

LMFFL2004A: Moisture test timber and concrete floors

LMFFL3101A: Inspect sub-floors

These two competencies have been 'integrated' into Inspecting and testing subfloors, because they go hand-in-hand when you're on the job carrying out these tasks, and there is a large overlap in the skills and knowledge involved.

To be assessed as competent, your assessor will use a range of methods to check your understanding of the concepts and practical ability to carry out inspections and moisture testing of subfloors. These may include:

  • written assignments

  • practical demonstrations

  • on-the-job discussions about how you go about particular activities

  • learning activities undertaken while you're progressing through the unit

  • examples of tasks you have undertaken

Your trainer will give you more information on what you'll need to do and the timetable for completion.

Literacy and numeracy

Literacy is the ability to read and write. Numeracy is the ability to work with numbers.

When it comes to completing the written assignments for this qualification, a certain level of literacy ability is required to read the questions and write down your answers. For the calculation exercises, you need to have sound understanding of basic maths.

Obviously, it's important that you clearly understand what the assignment is asking you to do, and that your answers are a good reflection of what you really know. So if you're having trouble reading the questions or providing answers, make sure you speak to your trainer before you hand the assignment in.

There are various ways your trainer can help you. For example, they may be able to ask the assignment questions verbally and help you to write down your answers. They may also be able to show you sample answers to similar questions, which will let you look at the way they're written and give you hints on how to write your own. You may also be allowed to do the assignment with the assistance of another person.

Applying for RPL

RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning. It is a form of assessment that acknowledges the skills and knowledge you have gained through:

  • on-the-job experience

  • formal training in other courses

  • life experience, through your hobbies or other outside activities.

If you believe that you are already competent in some or all of the skills covered in this unit, ask your assessor about how to apply for RPL.

Written assignments

There are four assignments in this on-line resource that your assessor may ask you to complete as part of your formal assessment of competency.

Click on the links below to see these assessment tasks.

Assignment 1: Subfloor systems

Assignment 2: Moisture in subfloors

Assignment 3: Inspecting subfloors

Assignment 4: Measuring moisture and pH

Practical demonstrations

Your final assessment of competency in this unit will include various practical demonstrations. To help you get ready for these hands-on assessment activities, see the sample checklist under the link below.

Practical demonstrations - sample checklist

Your trainer may also ask you to keep a log book of the work you do on-the-job that relates to these practical tasks. This will help them to see whether you have had sufficient practice in the full range of activities needed to satisfy the competency requirements, and to determine when you'll be ready to undertake the assessment events.