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Unit: Subfloor coatings and toppings

LMFFL2102A: Prepare, select and apply smoothing and patching compounds
LMFFL2103A: Select and apply appropriate compounds and additives
LMFFL2105A: Select, prepare and apply moisture barriers and damp proof membranes to concrete sub-floors

Section 3: Priming, patching and levelling

Applying patching compounds

Image for slide 1
Audio for slide 1 (mp3 |6|KB)
Patching compounds are designed to fill holes, cracks, grooves and damaged areas that are too large for a self-levelling smoothing compound to fill efficiently.

Hairline cracks are generally not a problem, but anything larger than about 5 mm should be filled with a patching compound.

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Image for slide 2
Audio for slide 2 (mp3 |6|KB)
Some patching compounds are cement-based mortars and are applied with a putty knife or trowel. Others are made from epoxy or polyurethane, and can either be applied like a mortar or injected into the crack.

You should never use gypsum-based products, like water putty or cornice cement. These products are high in alkali and can destroy adhesives, they swell when they get wet, and they don't have sufficient long-term adhesion to last the lifetime of the floor.

Set out below is the general installation procedure for a typical cement-based patching compound.

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Image for slide 3
Audio for slide 3 (mp3 |6|KB)

Preparation and installation procedure

  1. Make sure that the substrate is dry, firm and free from dust and any contaminants. Depending on the product and the type of substrate, you may need to prime the surface before applying the patching compound.

  2. Mix the powder with clean water in a mixing container to produce a mortar.
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Image for slide 4
Audio for slide 4 (mp3 |6|KB)
  1. Apply the mortar with a trowel to the holes or damaged areas. Push the mortar into the void and leave it 'proud' (sitting slightly high) of the surface.

  2. After about 15 minutes, trim off the excess mortar and finish the surface with a wet trowel or sponge.
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Image for slide 5
Audio for slide 5 (mp3 |6|KB)
  1. Leave the mortar to harden. Under normal conditions, this may take about one hour.

  2. Apply the smoothing and levelling compound before the mortar dries. Note that if the area is allowed to completely dry before the levelling compound is installed, you may need to re-prime the surface.

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Learning activity

Audio 6 (mp3 |6|KB)

Below is a link to a video clip demonstrating how to use Ardex Liquid Backerboard. At the beginning of the clip the installer mixes up a patching compound and applies it to a ply subfloor to fill the grooves between the plywood sheets.

Watch the clip and then answer the following questions relating to the patching compound:

  • What is the mixing ratio of water to patching compound?

  • What tool is used to apply the compound to the floor?

  • What is the range of thicknesses that Ardex recommends for this compound?
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Ardex Liquid Backerboard